金融 & 治理
Barnard is incorporating climate and sustainability into its decision-making, from strategic planning and capital improvements to our endowment and daily financial choices. 2017年3月, the 校董会 announced that the College would divest its endowment from fossil-fuel companies that dispute climate science or otherwise seek to thwart efforts to mitigate the impact of climate change. Corporate behaviors that question settled science, 在言语或行为上, conflict with Barnard's academic mission that supports evidence-based solutions to society's problems.
学院提供了一个 气候科学名单 that evaluates oil and gas companies on their commitment to climate science and sustainability based on criteria developed by Barnard 教师, 学生, 和工作人员. This work was done in collaboration with FFI (原无化石燃料指数)和 忧思科学家联盟.
Barnard will use the 气候科学名单 to guide and focus its endowment on companies that recognize climate science and the risks posed by climate change; the College is making it public to provide a framework for other institutions to consider and debate as they plan their own investment decisions.
Barnard’s approach to divestment is unique and innovative. We recognize that our approach is but one aspect of gaining an overall understanding how the fossil fuel industry is confronting the challenge of climate change. 的 气候科学名单 is therefore intended to be a living document; our process is an evolving one and our methodology will continue to be refined over time and our evaluation will be updated periodically. 我们欢迎评论和提问 climatesciencelist@sh-qjwh.com.
可持续性 and climate action cannot be the responsibility of just one person or department at Barnard. We are committed to integrating sustainability as a priority at all levels of institutional leadership. 的 Sustainable Practices Committee (SPC) brings together 学生, 教师, 和工作人员 to define sustainability priorities and initiatives. 学生 primarily collaborate on sustainable initiatives on campus through the Student Government Association’s (SGA) 可持续发展委员会, formerly the Sustainable Initiatives Consulting Board (SIC-B), which works alongside the SPC to execute sustainable initiatives on campus.
的 Sustainable Practices Committee offers support and training for Barnard offices and departments, from help crafting internal mission-based climate goals for individual offices to providing waste-sorting workshops. 办公室或部门可以联系 green@sh-qjwh.com for information on support and trainings.
2019年12月, 十大电竞游戏综合排名 published a comprehensive 气候行动愿景, 在学术领域的目标, 财务及管治, 校园文化与运营. Our 360-degree approach prioritizes the needs of women, 有色人种, and low-income communities in defining new paradigms for climate leadership. This ambitious plan aims to increase climate literacy and engagement inside the classroom and in the student experience, 减少这三个领域的排放, 绿化我们的校园空间, 和更多的.
In order to achieve the goals outlined in our 气候行动愿景, participation and accountability from every office and department in the College is necessary.
2021年春天, the 可持续性 Office launched the 校园气候承诺, a structured process of distributed accountability and shared leadership. 的 可持续性 Office will support any office in identifying mission-based internal climate action targets during a 1.5小时,两个系列工作坊. 请联系green@barnard.Edu .了解更多!
的 数字人文中心, 参与教学法中心,和 十大电竞游戏综合排名设计中心 have committed to adopting clear climate and sustainability targets that are specific to the mission of each particular office. Click on their links to check out their commitments.
Formerly the Sustainable Practices Committee
Goldmark桑德拉, 椅子, Associate Professor of Professional Practice in 的atre, Director of Campus 可持续发展与气候行动
劳拉·奥康奈尔,设施副总裁 & 资本项目
莱斯利·劳赫 Associate Director of Campus 可持续发展与气候行动
德莱尼Michaelson '24, Current Student Government Representative for Sustainable Initiatives
瑞秋Elkis ’22, Former Student Government Representative for Sustainable Initiatives
Terryanne Maenza-Gmelch, Senior Lecturer in Environmental Science
凯特琳·达顿,14岁,家庭参与主任 & 总统的特别助理
玛丽·琼·墨菲, Executive Director of Student 健康 and 健康 项目
代比芬克尔斯坦, 辅务署署长