We are delighted for you to join your fellow students from more than 50 countries as part of the international student population 在这里 at Barnard 和 the even broader community at 哥伦比亚大学 in 纽约市.
你们的成功过渡是十大电竞游戏综合排名的首要任务. 美国.S. government 和 the college have several requirements for international students. Our office is 在这里 to help you navigate the process 和 put you on the right path toward a fulfilling 和 productive academic experience at 十大电竞游戏综合排名.
Please review the tabs below this text to prepare for the journey ahead!
学生 must obtain an F-1 Visa to enter the United States for the purpose of study at Barnard as a full-time student in a degree program. To apply for an F-1 student visa, you must schedule an interview at the U.S. 您所居住国家的大使馆或领事馆. They will ask for your SEVIS number, which is located on the top right-h和 corner of the 形式I-20. You will receive instructions on how to obtain the 形式I-20 upon gaining admission to the college.
Do not use a tourist visa to enter the United States to study at Barnard.
On the day of your visa interview, you will be asked to present several documents. 完整的文件列表可在美国.S. 国务院领事事务局网站下 U.S. 签证. 请务必仔细阅读美国商务部的报告.S. 完整的签证页面. 也, please follow all instructions provided by your local embassy or consulate on how to apply for a visa.
The 形式I-20 is the"Certificate of 资格 for Nonimmigrant (F-1) Student Status – For Academic 和 Language 学生." This form will be required by your local embassy or consulate as part of your student visa application. 十大电竞游戏综合排名将在你被录取时发给你I-20表格.
申请I-20表格,请将以下项目提交至 iss@sh-qjwh.com 作为PDF格式的一个(1)文件.
- I-20申请表,包括证明文件
- 护照复印件,照片页
- Affidavit of 支持 - Include an affidavit only if someone is supporting you financially. 你可能有不止一个担保人. 每位保荐人必须提交一份单独的表格.
- F-1 Transfer Verification Form - Include this form only if you attended another U. S. 中学或大学. S. 在过去6个月内就读过大学.
所有入学学生的I-20表格, 包括提前录取的学生, 会在六月底发行吗, 前提是我们办公室收到了所有必要的文件.
特别注意: Please make sure that your 形式I-20 is returned to you by the embassy or consulate. 否则,你可能不被允许进入美国.
表格i - 94
The arrival record is the 表格i - 94 in either paper or electronic formats issued by a Customs 和 Border Protection (CBP) Officer to foreign visitors entering the United States. You will not receive a copy of your I-94 unless you are traveling by car. 抵达后,请尽快打印一份您的 表格i - 94.
如果你在获得学生签证方面有任何困难,请十大电竞游戏综合排名 iss@sh-qjwh.com.
所有持F-1或J-1签证的新国际学生都必须参加iPOP! -国际预培训计划. 这包括所有新的国际大一新生和转学生. Please note that this is one of two m和atory orientation programs intended to aid in your transition to Barnard, 纽约市, 和美国.
The second required program is the college-wide New Student 取向 Program (NSOP). It is during this program that new international students meet their domestic peers. You do not need to plan differently to participate in NSOP as you will already be on campus 和 iPOP will lead right into NSOP.
十大电竞游戏综合排名 is located in Morningside Heights on the West side of Manhattan. 十大电竞游戏综合排名学生的安全 around the neighborhood 和 beyond is an essential element to positive student life. 简单的安全提示:
1. 把电子产品放在包里或藏在公共场所.
2. 黄色电话亭:分散在校园内,以备紧急情况时使用.
3. Never take an unmarked cab - only take yellow or green taxis with meters.
4. Columbia Evening Shuttle provides safe transit in the Morningside Heights neighborhood: 212-854-SAFE.
如果你或你的父母需要 临时住宿 near Barnard before arrival or for a visit, t在这里 are many hotel options in the neighborhood.
Banking: To set up an American bank account as an international student, you must physically go to a branch with an approved ID 和 an American address.
预算: The Bursar's Office at Columbia College has compiled a list of basic fees for housing, 十大电竞游戏综合排名学生的膳食计划和学费. 纽约本身就很贵, 但要经过仔细的预算和对各种选择的熟悉, 全球城市的生活成本是可以承受的.
地铁卡一张地铁票2美元.75美元,乘坐纽约地铁一次有效. MTA还提供为期一周或一个月的地铁通行证. 大学生没有特价票. These tickets can be purchased on the entrance to the subway at kiosks or automated machines in the subway.
十大电竞游戏综合排名提供了一种学生保险选择,叫做 安泰学生健康(ASH)政策. Pricing, coverage 和 application information is available to help determine a students' need.
欲了解更多信息,请 看看这个视频 美国的医疗保健.
Learn more about the climate in 纽约市 和 what to pack so you will be prepared to stay warm in the winter 和 cool in the summer. 不要带东西 ResLife禁止 (like pets); DO bring things from your home country to share with new friends! 别担心, during NSOP we’ll also take you to a store w在这里 you can get everything you couldn’t pack or forgot to bring.
海关:在你登上去纽约的飞机之前, 的定义所定义的所有必要文档 美国国土安全部.
纽约市周围有三个主要机场: 约翰F. 肯尼迪机场, 拉瓜迪亚机场 和 纽瓦克机场 (在新泽西). 有 公共交通选择 从这些机场, 但大多数情况下, students take taxis from the airport to Barnard or their final destination.
New York Taxi Cabs are yellow or green 和 always have a meter that determines the fare. At New York airports, you will be directed to a line w在这里 you can get in a cab. Do NOT agree to take a ride from anyone offering taxi services inside baggage claim. You will need to provide the driver with the neighborhood 和 address to which you are going. 例如, 如果你从机场去十大电竞游戏综合排名的话, you would request to be taken to "Morningside Heights - 十大电竞游戏综合排名 - at Broadway 和 117th." Alternatively, you could simply tell the cab driver, "Morningside Heights - 3009 Broadway." Broadway 和 117th are the cross-streets w在这里 十大电竞游戏综合排名 is located.
一些宿舍仍然开放 学校休息, 比如秋季假期(11月初), 感恩节假期(11月下旬)和春假(3月中旬). 欢迎学生在这些时间住在他们的宿舍. 寒暑假期间, students must apply to remain in campus housing; housing is not guaranteed. 请参阅以下住宿生活政策 寒假住房 和 夏天住房.
在计划返程航班时, keep in mind Barnard policy: students must move out within 24 hours of their final exam or by the time the residence halls close for the semester. 重要的宿舍日期可以找到 在这里. Many students wait to buy a return ticket until the exam schedule is final.